Tuesday, December 30, 2008

'Round Here

Operation Christmas Tear Down is officially complete. A little earlier than usual but in order to assemble all the baby stuff (no, she's not here yet!) something had to go. The tree seemed a good candidate much to Liam's disappointment. He was pretty impressed with the lights and would not stand for them to be off at any time. Here he is checking out the tree on Christmas morning....

It was all a bit too much to take for a little guy, but he did pretty well. Aside from playing with the paper and boxes he narrowed in on a mini hockey set and Elmo phone and got right to it:

It's been a while, so this is a big update! Liam officially moved into his new room a few weeks ago. There was very little fanfare to the transition that had us hesitating for weeks. One day we just decided to try it and braced ourselves for a long night of confusion and tears. Nada. Dare we assume the transition to big brotherhood will be so smooth?
Some new "art" for a new room:

Liam's move into his new room left the baby's room open for a bit of a makeover as well.....and yes, the pink was my idea and was met with some resistance. Who knew this would be such a difficult colour? Our first attempt was called Princess. Or more accurately "Princess Pepto Bismol". Fortunately our power went out before Matt was able to apply a second coat, and by the time the lights came back on we were ready to admit the shade wasn't going to work! Back to the paint store. This time we were confident we had it right. A pale, creamy pink....but the walls turned out a bit more "Hubba Bubba" than we bargained for. I hope she likes it 'cause my powers of persuasion are nowhere near strong enough to get Matt on board with a 3rd-times-a-charm paint philosophy!
Here are a few things waiting for her when she (finally) arrives:

And of course, the ultimate accessory for the under 3 set:

Liam had to go for his immunizations this morning and has been feeling a little put out by the whole ordeal. (That's an understatement. I'm being nice.) It's been one of those days, but he did seem comforted by the resurrection of his old baby swing and was content to lounge around in it for a good half hour. I'm sure he exceeded the weight restriction on this months (a year?) ago....but it seemed to hold up nicely and in all honesty I was truly grateful for the reprieve. After all....it's not THAT high off the ground. Right?

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