Sunday, April 19, 2009

Driving Miss Mommy

Imagining the day he gets his learner's permit makes me cringe, but then does sitting in the garage for an hour with the windshield wipers squeaking on full speed, hazard lights blinking, fan on high and every radio button pushed at least 40 times. But this little joy ride was the highlight of Liam's day.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Escape Artist

Liam's naps are one of those non-negotiable routines, so when we spend the day at Grandma and Grandpa's house we try to keep him on a similar schedule to what he's used to at home. This is the playpen that Liam sleeps in (with relatively little fuss) on such days:

Correction. This WAS the playpen that Liam slept in (with relatively little fuss) on such days.
A couple of weeks ago we were visiting and went through the motions of getting Liam down for a nap. He had his little sleeping bag on. Puppy was tucked under his arm. A monitor was set up in the corner so we could keep tabs from downstairs. Not surprisingly he cried for a minute or two when I left the room, and then all was silent. Hoooray for naptime!
A short while later (10 minutes maybe?) a very loud cry rang out over the monitor. Surely he couldn't be ready to get up already? The cry was shortlived and therefore ignored. Some more time passes....about 20 minutes.....and some more crying. Time to investigate. As I started up the stairs I heard something unusual. Was that....knocking? Taking the stairs two at a time now and a quick dash down the hall as the knocking got louder. I flung the office door open and who was standing behind it in his little sleeping bag with a knife-like letter opener in one hand and an open green Sharpie marker in the other? That would be Liam.
Fortunately a bit of green ink on his hands and a small bump on the forehead was the only trace of Liam's adventure to be found on his body....but the assessment of the office didn't fare so well.
Here are some important documents with Liam's artistic rendition of "hockey balls" drawn all over them...

And here is Grandma and Grandpa's very nice LCD monitor covered in similar drawings...

Here are the Google search results for "pencil on monitor"....

Fortunately he did change mediums from permanent Sharpie to pencil when he climbed up on the desk to decorate the monitor. Fyi - pencil DOES come off with a little lcd cleaner and a microfibre cloth. (phew!)
And here is our little Escape Artist at work....

Naptime at Grandma and Grandpa's house now takes place in a travel playpen...that has a zippered lid!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Where's Liam?

Liam's second favorite game (after hockey, of course) is called "Where's Liam?" You can probably figure out how that goes.
Look at the following picture very closely and you might just spot the little Houdini in one of his favorite hiding places....

Monday, April 13, 2009

Turn Your Head 90 Degrees to the Left.....

My apologies for the kink in your neck, but I have no idea how to rotate the video. Don't worry, it's just a short little snippet of some baby bubble-making!
In case you need a translation, that chanting you hear in the background is Liam saying "Garage, garage, garage, garage."

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Jellybeans for Breakfast

Happy Easter!
The Easter Bunny made his very first visit to our house this year and Liam would like to remind him that he is welcome back at any time.
Looks like the big bunny forgot some of his tail on this jellybean...

Back off, Mojo!...

What did the Easter Bunny leave for YOU Sarah?...

Some Easter stickers hiding among the marshmallows...

Immediate application of stickers to hands and jammies is mandatory, of course...

The Easter Bunny left a paint with water book AND some brushes, too?! That crafty cottontail!

Stickers, wascally wabbits and spiritual significance aside, this is Liam's "What Easter Means to Me" takeaway this year: Jellybeans and marshmallows for breakfast = a good start to the day.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Parks and Recreation

Now that spring is official we have hit the outdoor park circuit, returning to some familiar ground and exploring some playgrounds a bit further afield.
Not far from home is Liam's favorite swing....this one never gets old. I may be developing carpal tunnel syndrome from repetitive pushing on this one.

One of Liam's favorite park activities is to put pea gravel, wood chips - whatever is dirty and available - on playground surfaces. Much to the horror of a pig-tailed 3 year old girl, the surface du jour last Tuesday happened to be the base of the slide. She was on the swings at the opposite end of the playground at the time, but announced with absolute certainty that no good could come of Liam's handiwork. She was probably right, but being preoccupied with feeding Sarah at the time I may have pretended not to notice his actions or her indignant protests. Tattle tale.

More surfaces to cover...

Liam's work is never done...

By the time we headed home for lunch there were dirt and rocks piled strategically all over that place. As for the playground marshal that called him out for artistic expression? He tried to give her a hug, but she wanted nothing of it. Her loss.
Next up...a trip to "Monika's Park" in the Big City. The wobbly suspension bridge is a big step up from the Tot Lot back home! A little bit too big, according to Liam.

Once on solid footing we still managed a few giggles in Monika's direction....

And an obliging pose for Mom....

Then we went down the "big slide" together (big for Liam, comically small for Mom!) before retreating to the sand box. Okay, Liam retreated to the sand box. I retreated to my latte and a chat with Monika and a peaceful, snoozy Sarah. This was a good trip to the park. :)

Last but not least, we have Desperation Park....the playground that's so close even Liam gets there on his own two feet. We go to this one when it looks like rain but we are going STIR CRAZY in the house. It's a lame park. Even Liam thinks so. But there's gravel and a slide and very rarely are any little girls there to tell him off for making piles. Everyone wins.

And what do I do at the park? I have a big responsibility: I am entrusted with holding the "special" rocks...

Friday, April 10, 2009

Pretty in Purple

She's Daddy's little girl, without a doubt. But even though she's got Matt wrapped around her little finger, the "Man Gene" usually causes his eyes to glaze over in the presence of pink or floral print. So when Matt said "she looks really pretty in that shirt" I knew we had a winner in the wardrobe!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Inde-pant-ence Day

Bad pun, I know.
Liam is becoming more independent all the time. He's showing a willingness to dress all it takes is a little imagination. Got to give the kid credit...overalls are an ambitious way to start!

Step 1: Survey mechanics of the pant.

Step 2: Align leg with pant.

Step 3: This looks like trouble.

Step 4: Call for reinforcements. Ie. Mom.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


They say boys start talking later than girls, and every kid has their own timeline. But there are days I am amazed at the creative ways Liam has learned to communicate with us when just learning the WORD would be so much simpler! He gets his point across (most of the time) and with some real creative flair. His "language" can be categorized three ways: Words, Sounds and Charades. Here are a few of the latest additions to Liam's "vocabulary":


Um mum mum - Any guesses? That one is "ottoman." Aka, he wants the toy box opened.
Er-raj - Garage. Aka, "Hey Mom, Dad's home!"
Thhhhhh - Soother. Liam's preferred method for tending to Sarah's squawks.


Ksssshhhhhh - Water. Or the sound that water makes when the tap is running.
Kssh - Coke. Or the sound a tin of coke makes when the tab is opened.
Snort. Not the word, but the sound that is made by pinching your nose and blowing. Usually in response to Mojo sneezing.


Liam's charades are a series of routines that get more detailed all the time. For example, a month ago when Liam asked for Dad, I would say "Dad's at work" and he would rub his head as if shampooing. Still not sure where that comes from, but to Liam maintaining clean hair is a tough job. Especially if there's ketchup around. Now when I say "Dad's at work" Liam makes the following gestures:

Rubs his head for a nice, bubbly lather.
Says "coo!" (His word for car, and how Matt gets to work.)
Points to eye....because Matt wears glasses when driving.
Turns wrist side to side....he's turning the key in the ignition, of course.
Sways head left to right a couple of times.....because you listen to music in the car.

He's got it all figured out. Now if only he would say "milk".....