Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Go, Canucks, Go!

Liam: Wearing the team colours? Check.
Sarah: Wearing....not much? Check.
The flags are made. "O Canada" has been rehearsed a few times. The popcorn maker is ready to roll. We're ready for Game 7....let's hope the Canucks are, too!

Monday, April 25, 2011

"Let's Be-tend"

Sarah the fairy/princess/witch discovers her baby has dirtied an imaginary diaper:

Liam the fireman looks on with his ubiquitous bowl of apples and snotty nose:

He's willing to help just as long as he can use his fire extinguisher.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Sugar Buzzed

Some time during the night that crazy Easter Bunny made his rounds at our place. The kids were so excited last night. We got home quite late (and by late I mean 8:30!) from a bike ride at Rocky Point. Liam spotted the Easter Bunny hopping around just a few blocks from our house and that lit quite a fire under his bum! I think the elapsed time from driveway to tucked-in was under 4 minutes! That includes Matt and I getting in our pj's - Liam wasn't taking any chances! Sarah didn't really understand all the fuss but got caught up in the excitement of it all and was happy to play along.
Fast-forward to 9am.....(well, Sarah woke up a lot earlier than that, but we managed to keep her entertained with the iPhone until Liam woke up. So glad he slept in!):

Sarah was less interested in searching for eggs as she was in devouring them. If you look closely in her basket you'll notice the ears have already been gnawed off the chocolate bunny:

Once the chocolate was wiped off their faces and Sarah's crazy bed head under control, I tried to get a picture of both of them in their Easter outfits. I took a lot of photos, and at least one of them is goofing off in every single one. I love them! Can't decide which is my favorite, so I'll let you choose! Happy Easter!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

What Do You Get....

....when you cross Easter Weekend with Earth Day?
The Recycle Bunny!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Another Royal Wedding?

This afternoon Sarah and I were goofing around while Liam drove his "bus" in circles around us. He informed us he is going to be a zamboni driver when he grows up. So I asked Sarah what she is going to be when she grows up and Liam answered for her: "I think she's going to be a Princess."