Saturday, December 13, 2008

Laminated Hair

Liam's first haircut....another milestone for Liam, another reason for me to get all verklempt over how fast my baby is growing up. You could say those gorgeous curls are gone, but the truth is they're safely enshrined in a laminated card. Some (Matt) would say that's creepy. But I felt genuinely relieved when they handed me that warm little piece of plastic. Okay, maybe it is just a tiny bit creepy.
Anyways, after last weekend's torture session with Santa we were a little gun shy over Liam's potential reaction to someone coming at him with scissors rather than candy canes. So we sought out the most kid-friendly location and hit the jackpot. A spiderman car (with steering wheel!) for a seat, cartoons playing on a TV right in front of the mirror, balloons, a little bin of plastic animals to play with.....I'm pretty sure even Santa could have cut his hair and it wouldn't have phased him!
Liam looks awfully grown up now, but I'd say he looks ready to take on the role of big brother. On the other hand, his sister will be in pigtails until she's at least 13.

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