Tuesday, July 12, 2011


She just can't help herself. This girl loves to boogie...

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Just Beach-y

This has got to be the coldest, wettest, dreariest spring/summer ever, so when the sun does pop out we've been taking full advantage. On a couple of occasions this has meant scooping Grandma up and heading for the beach! These pics were taken a few weeks ago, but are a good idea of what every trip to the beach is with these kids: silly, goofy, run/shake/build/dance-your-pants-off good times!

I think they have sand in their butts....

And another kind of butt (more common around here!):

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Big Kid Class

I registered the kids in a couple of separate programs this summer to keep them from destroying one other make the most of the sunny days and get us out of the house early.* Liam has a two hour play group twice a week and Sarah did her first ever SOLO program! I wasn't sure how she was going to handle being left behind for an hour by herself. She's always the one that comes along with me when Liam is at school, or on the rare occasions that we are not together, then Liam is at her side. But she was pretty excited to go to "Big Kid Class". She led the way to the classroom, took off her backpack, blew me a kiss and said "Bye Mom!" while I lingered around outside the door waiting for her to have a change of heart. She didn't. Liam and I returned an hour later and she happily showed us the craft she made, gave me a hug and put her backpack on again. Easy as that.
My Big Girl....

* Early means the programs start at 9:30 and we are within easy walking distance from our house. We ended up driving 2 out of 3 days this week and were STILL late. Today we finally got our act together!