Friday, July 31, 2009


That would be Sarah's take on her first foray into solid foods. Rice cereal is just not making the grade when it comes to her very refined palate.

"Rice cereal, you say? Don't mind if I do...."

"Hold it right there, Mom. Are you sure that's not glue?"

"Interesting texture. Are you SURE that's not glue?"

"I'm not convinced."

"Mom, you're going to have to brush up on your baby food prep before I try another bite. This is nasty."

"How come Liam gets all the chocolate cake batter?"

I wouldn't have the heart to tell either of them that gluten/egg/dairy-free chocolate cake batter has more in common with glue than rice cereal does!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Alvin, Simon, Theodore....and Liam?

Heeeeere, Chippy Chippy Chippy!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Friday, July 17, 2009


If you were a fly on our wall, here are a few little snippets of conversation you would have heard around here lately.....see if you can guess who said them!

1) (Referring to Sarah)"Why does she always have to dress like a flashdancer?"

2) "Mommy! Bummy! Mommy! Bummy! Mommy! Bummy! HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE!"

3) "Eat your lunch, not your sister."

Hint: She is chatty and loud, but not the author of any quotes - yet!

Thursday, July 16, 2009


The Calgary Stampede was the perfect place for the kids to get in touch with their cowboy roots. Sarah either slept, ate or teethed her way through the fairgrounds, but Liam was the perfect age to take it all in. Well, except for the kids' rides. A few inches to go before we find out if motion sickness is an inherited trait...the poor kid doesn't stand a chance!

But with a little boost Liam was plenty tall enough to go fishing on the midway...

Caught one!

A small meltdown later (he would have gone fishing all day if he could), we collected his prize frog and our little cowboy parade was on our way.

Unfortunately the Mini Donut booth is no place for a little guy with a wheat allergy, so the Wiggle Chip stand was where we got our gastronomic party started!

A snacking sidenote for parents: there are no photos of Liam indulging in Pineapple Whip to be found here. That is because all hands were required on deck to restrain said hopped-up toddler. Whoa, nelly! He won't be having another one of those 'til he's 20!

We checked out some cattle.....

We got reprimanded via loudspeaker for letting Liam stand too close to a "Heavy Horse." (Aren't they all heavy?)

We got a little bit sidelined by some rain.....

.....but come on, we're Vancouverites! Bring it on!

We even got another chance to practice our Ya-Hoo's....

...and by the end of the day, this little cowboy had a lot to smile about!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Still catching up....

This post-holiday "back to normal" process is taking a little longer than I would like. Sarah had a visit from the tooth fairy this past week...the one that leaves chompers, not change! She has been rather grumbly about her solitary pearly white which means that our bags are not all unpacked and there are piles of laundry in various stages of completion in nearly every room of the house. We'll get there. And I will get the rest of the photos up here soon!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Another Parenting Myth Debunked

In our BB (before babies) era, the words "travel" and "vacation" were virtually synonymous. Now? Not so much. Yes, it is entirely possible to travel with little ones. Vacationing is a whole different story.....

Monday, July 13, 2009

Work it, Sista!

More pics from the vacation vault coming soon!

Sunday, July 5, 2009


Cowboy greetings! I'm going light on the words and heavy on the pictures here, but I think you'll get the drift: vacation, family, parades and parties!

It has been proven - this one can literally sleep through a marching band.

This one's for my Dad....

Liam's warm-up: Dancing with Mom

The Main Event: Uncle Dave passes "The Worm" torch to Liam....

And something extra special....a new height record in the Daddy/Liam toss has been achieved!