Thursday, May 28, 2009


It started out innocently and ended with me swigging from a sippy cup and yelling "MOMMY NEEDS SOME QUIET TIME!!!!" But that part of the tale is too fresh to revisit. Perhaps it will cross the "funny" line one day. Today is not that day.
I have spent the better part of two years singing Wheels On The Bus and as of this week Liam accompanies my warbling with hand actions and the occasional "beep beep beep" where appropriate. What better way to enhance this cognition than to take a ride on an ACTUAL bus? So that's what we did today.
DISCLAIMER: There's some pretty bad bus karaoke in this video. You have been warned.

There wasn't much of a destination in mind so we opted for picking up a few picnic-friendly items to complement our strawberries, and heading to the park.

I hadn't anticipated that the water park would be open yet so I didn't pack the usual necessities for this kind of outing. Like a bathing suit, for instance. Or a towel. But I did have sunscreen and an extra diaper so even though my kid was probably being referred to as "the naked one" or "Casper" I figured no harm could come of a little splash. And he did have fun.

Fast forward through the aforementioned meltdown and at the end of our adventure I had one very tired little boy who likes to ride the bus. And one very tired little girl who doesn't like to ride the bus. Or shop. Or go for picnics. Or the waterpark. Or walks in the stroller. Or the Baby Bjorn.
Maybe another day.....

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