Sunday, January 18, 2009

3 + 1 = 4

She's here at last! Our little miss Sarah arrived yesterday morning...all 9lb 1oz and 21 inches of her...and of course has spent her first day capturing our hearts. She is absolutely perfect. We are....tired. For a baby that sleeps so much we sure haven't succeeded at coordinating our own clocks with hers!
Here are a few early photos taken in the hospital. We're hoping to break out of here tomorrow morning and unleash the pink outfits at home. This blog is about to take a decidedly girly turn for a little while.......

As for how Liam is adjusting to being a big brother....he is doing great! He has come to visit a couple of times and has loads of kisses for his little sister. And as long as he can still cuddle with Mom and get chased around by Dad, then all is right in his little world.

And what could be better than that?

1 comment:

nemrac said...

Congrats! That's one big baby :D Can't wait to meet her in person.