Thursday, May 10, 2012

Spring Things

A few signs that Spring is in full swing around here....

There are vases full of fresh dandelions in the house every day. Good thing, because dandelions last about 8 gigaseconds before they wilt. Gross, but I'll never tire of the kids' proud faces as they present me with a huge "bouquet"!

Our farm balcony garden is thriving thanks to some very attentive watering by Liam and Sarah. They are often outside watering before breakfast (hence, the pj's!).

He even waters himself now and then.

We're especially excited for the peas to be ready. The kids love them (don't tell Liam they're the same as the ones he hates at dinner time!)....and they can even open the shells themselves this year!

We're lingering a lot longer at the playground when school gets out. Sarah has mastered the monkey bars....

And Liam has mastered writing his name in chalk.....

Our fence is also getting a fresh coat of rainbow chalk.

Now...bring on the camping!!!

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