Monday, January 9, 2012


For the most part, the camera did not get a lot of use on Christmas Day. There was far too much pretty paper to tear, boxes to open, toys to assemble, etc. to sneak in many photos. But we did get just a couple and I would be remiss not to at least post a sampling of Christmas morning photos here!

Sarah's fingernails and Liam's nose had an unfortunate run-in a couple of days before Christmas.

We call this her "Beaky Lips" face...

Hug that clay!

Two of many Lego sets opened on Christmas....I wonder how many pieces I have already stepped on.....?

Trying on her lovely new hat from Aunt coordinates so well with the jammies Santa brought her on Christmas Eve!

These two wasted no time getting down to the business of Lego construction!

And Sarah taught a class at Plymobil School before abandoning all her loot to help me peel/chop/prep for Christmas dinner. The girl looooooves to "cook"!

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