Tuesday, October 18, 2011


I've never been terribly interested in technology. I use it. And when it works, I'm happy. When it doesn't....I lose interest. Fortunately I've always been surrounded by people who "get" how technology works behind it's glossy shell and can "set up," "fix," "recover," and (big admission coming here), "install updates" when necessary. Thanks Matt and Mike! :)
But is there a "best before" date on keeping up with the latest tech advances? I'm not taking any chances, so I'm raising a small IT department. They are confident. They are efficient. They have taught me more ipad shortcuts than I care to admit here. And they do it all while looking oh-so-cute in jammies and pigtails. Here are my new hires:

*Edit: Yes, I know that's an iPhone, not an iPad!

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