Sunday, April 12, 2009

Jellybeans for Breakfast

Happy Easter!
The Easter Bunny made his very first visit to our house this year and Liam would like to remind him that he is welcome back at any time.
Looks like the big bunny forgot some of his tail on this jellybean...

Back off, Mojo!...

What did the Easter Bunny leave for YOU Sarah?...

Some Easter stickers hiding among the marshmallows...

Immediate application of stickers to hands and jammies is mandatory, of course...

The Easter Bunny left a paint with water book AND some brushes, too?! That crafty cottontail!

Stickers, wascally wabbits and spiritual significance aside, this is Liam's "What Easter Means to Me" takeaway this year: Jellybeans and marshmallows for breakfast = a good start to the day.

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