It's official: Liam is a preschooler. Which means I will be hitting you up for a contribution to improve the school's sand pit any day now. And every month for the next two decades or so. You have been warned. :)
This afternoon was Liam's orientation which meant it was
my first day of preschool, too. He (we) learned where the miniature potty was, hand washing protocol, story time etiquette, and we also got to dig in to all kinds of sensory toys. It was an intense hour. (I am only able to write about it so soon because we got home and Liam promptly melted down with the exhaustion of it all, and is now napping!)

I'm not going to lie, it was a rough start. Both kids have been Cranky. (Yes, that's with a capital "C"). Sarah has been biting/pinching/hitting with fervor and Liam has been in disobedient slow-mo. On top of that, we started Round 2 of Snowbunnies this morning. By the time Liam and I got to Preschool he was already pooped, so he decided to conserve energy by going mute. I'm hoping it was a one-day phase, but I'm also putting any plans for Soccer on hold until we really nail the new routine and manage to rewind bedtime back to a more reasonable (but not summertime practical) 8:00!
Aside from that, the day was a success. Fantastic school, fun, creative activities everywhere, an amazing playground and - most importantly - kind, extremely patient teachers.
Liam liked the Ikea egg-chair. For a minute I was worried he'd go mute
and invisible, but there were too many tempting things to play with for him to stay hidden for long!

We're not too sure about this tub-o-corn. It used to be filled with wheat kernels and I think there may be some residue in the bin. Shortly after scooping some corn he got the sniffles, then the sneezes, then all of a sudden one giant sneeze unleashed two long, wiggly snot tubes stretching all the way down his belly. Still attached. I can still hear another mom's shocked/disgusted "Oh, MY!" I was there with a tissue today, but I can only imagine how long he'll let those things dangle when he's on his own.

Watermelon for snack...

Liam built a "pizza" at the light table.

"Worker man" is one of Liam's favorite games, so was he ever excited to find a work bench and all the appropriate gear. The purple gloves were his favorite. The kid loves purple.

I was impressed with Liam's ability to play with a bulldozer in a sand pit, and still keep his tissue clean in the other hand. Now, if only he would
use said tissue.

This purple swing was calling Liam's name...

One more handprint on the barn...

Slides and tires. Tires and slides. This is Liam's kind of playground!

The lookout tower...

Hiding in the tunnel. I hope this is not a theme!

Next Thursday "real" preschool begins, and he will be on his own. The teachers sent each child home with their own preschool handbook that emphasizes that Mom and Dad
always come back. I think this is going to be essential reading this week. And then....bring on the glitter and glue!