Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Finally Fall

Fall got a pretty wet start this year, but over the last week we've finally been able to enjoy some bright, crisp days. We saw a short break in our scheduled activities this morning, so we dashed outside to jump in some crunchy leaves!

And play hide-and-seek...

Yes, this shot is just as posed as you think it is...

Daddy drove by on his way to work, so the kids crossed the street for a kiss....

And then we hopped on one foot for a while. Just because. We're crazy like that.

I tried to recreate one of my favorite pictures of the two kids, but by this point they were a bit bored...

I couldn't get them both on board...

And then the sillies set in...

It got goofier and goofier...

...until I promised them pancakes for lunch if they would give me just one nice smile.

They do like pancakes.

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