Are you going to barf?
This was the scenario I found myself in this morning at Sarah's first ballet class. And because I'm her Mom and have been envisioning this moment from the instant we heard "it's a girl!" I couldn't stop grinning. Even though I knew the cuteness factor bordered on revolting.
So without further adieu, here she is! Our little ballerina....

That tummy! Those chubby fingers! The pigtails! Oh! Oh! Oh! I can't take it!!!!

Each girl had a little square mat to stand on. When Sarah saw them she shouted "Look Mom! iPads!" No, we do not typically dance on our iPad....

Ballerinas get itchy, too...


Learning some foot work (they call this one "rainbow")...

Making a "pizza"...

Little birds hatching out of their shells....

Tickling toes....

Tickling the stars....

Her favorite part was whenever they got to run around in circles and "dance" to the music - especially when the silk scarves were involved! But I would say she loved the whole experience, from the outfit, to the teacher (who she knew from a summer program), to the dancing, and especially to having an audience.

And speaking of the is her biggest fan! Whenever Sarah would dance by us, Liam would chant "Go, Sarah, Go!" Not your typical ballet cheer, but it was nice to see him being so supportive.

I think I'm going to like Mondays. :)
1 comment:
so cute!
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