I have to wonder if Sarah was cropped out intentionally?

Random friendly tourists (Liam thought the baby was cute)...

That's Poppa, as seen from behind Matt's legs...

And there's Poppa again, this time shown with a sampling of tourist bottoms. Some would argue that the mountain range is world class scenery. Perhaps Liam's framing could use a little work.

We wrestled the camera away for a couple of pictures. He wasn't happy about this and refused to give us a "normal" face. Although, now that I think about it, this might be considered normal these days!

Sarah hasn't reached that 100% goofy phase yet. All in good time...

They're dancing...

Back to Liam's masterpieces! Whenever he sees a Canadian flag he is always certain it has been put out in our honour, so I wasn't surprised to see he had captured this one...

On the gondola for the return trip...

Nan and Aunt Bridget...I like how he captured the gondola facts in this one!

This is me, taking a picture of him, taking a picture of me!

A self-portrait of today's artist...

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