Sarah's plans to join Matt and Sarah in the pool tonight were foiled when she woke from her nap with a fever. I thought she understood that she was staying home with me, but when I got Liam dressed in his swim trunks I couldn't resist trying on her new strawberry swimsuit too. She loved it and ran downstairs to Matt's office to model it. And then.....she put on her boots....grabbed her "purse," said goodbye to me and started heading out the door. It's 3 degrees outside. When the boys left without her and the reality of her housebound status sunk in she was pretty the two of us brought the pool party to the bathtub!
First, she did a little modeling....

It was her idea to get a shot of the back. I didn't know what she was saying (sounded like "Gack! Gack!") and then she pointed at the camera and turned around. So there you go....

Looking FIERCE!

When I was snapping these photos I said "Smile Sarah!" And she never does. But this particular time she froze, made a few strange movements with her mouth and then....this! Her first "posed" smile. Maybe I'll stop forcing it.... :)
1 comment:
Someone is ready for a little Canadian's next top model. She is seriously getting cuter everyday!
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