Sarah has been picking up words at great speed now. Most of them still require a little interpretation from Mom and Dad, but as long as we know what she's talking about she isn't too phased.
A few of our favorites are....
HECK?! = As in, "What the heck?!", but she can't say "What the" quite yet. She says HECK?! with such enthusiasm, it is the absolute best.
Nake = Snake. She pretends to be one, arms flailing all over the place. Ask her what a snake says. She'll tell you "Baaa." We're thinking a trip to the reptile zoo may be in order.
Not = Snot. I don't like that word, but she learned that one this week. There's been a lot of exposure, if you know what I mean.
Gob Dop = Gobstopper. The promise of one is how we bribe her to stay in her bed in the morning. The alternative? She'll tiptoe out of her room only to fling Liam's door open at 6am and shout "UP!" The bribe works. Don't judge.
Chi-Chip = Ketchup.
Chi-Chin = Chicken.
Chick-Chin = Kitchen. These last three can get very confusing!
Gape = Grape.
Baa-Bop = Apple
Yeah-Yum = Liam.
Mo-Mo = Mojo.
Mmmmmm? = Soother. Sarah was getting cranky in the car recently, and Liam said "Sarah, do you want your mmmmm?" He speaks Sarah-ese quite fluently, when need be.
Looks like Sarah needs a Na-Nap (napkin) here!

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