I probably sound like a broken record, but I just can't say enough good things about Liam's preschool. It's such a happy, kid-friendly place with interesting details everywhere you look. It's hard not to feel inspired in a place that is the product of so many young imaginations - and very little Fisher Price influence!
They leave the playground open for the families to use over Spring Break, so we headed out there for a play this afternoon. I took my camera hoping to catch some of the fun, and a few of the little details that I think make this such a special place for little ones. Even in the rain. Hope you enjoy the tour!

Sarah always heads straight for the little red barn. So far, she doesn't have to duck to get inside, but all the other kids do. There are two little yellow chairs inside and on particularly nippy days she will stay inside to keep out of the wind. She's also been known to treat this space as her own personal outhouse. That happened to be the case today. That, and giggles, as the saying goes....

Side note: potty training is not going as well as earlier predicted. She's still in diapers, so this wasn't as bad as it sounds!
We had some company from the tree creatures...

There was no shortage of puddles to splash in today!

And this rain barrel has yet to run dry!

Aside from the mega sandbox, Liam likes this "ship" best. When all the kids are playing together there is an awful lot of talk about icebergs on deck!

We found a piece of sidewalk chalk and Liam got to work:

Completely unprompted, he turned a section of path into the Yellow Brick Road.

Little bits of "jewelry" are embedded in the pathways at random intervals...

Proof that spring is getting underway....

A classic "deer in the headlights" look from Liam:

Sarah loves to "hide":

Raindrops are very interesting if you take a minute to check them out!

There are woodpeckers all over the place...

And of course, somewhere quiet to relax...

...until it's time to get back to all the "work" of being a kid. And they do take it seriously!