The last few months have been very entertaining as we have watched Sarah's personality blossom. I am happy to report that she is so much sweeter than early indications might have suggested. :) At 14 1/2 months she....
* Has pretty close to a mouthful of teeth! A far cry from the one little tooth she had at Christmas. That means we've been through a lot of teething the last couple of months, but she is putting her molars to the test and seems to enjoy the results.
* Is not talking - yet. She puts together strings of "mamamamamam" and will mimic some other sounds, but she's holding back on the real words. Not that she doesn't understand us! She can follow instructions such as "Sarah, go get your bunny" and when she gets in trouble she will often direct herself to Liam's Time Out corner! She knows a few official signs, but has developed her own way of communicating: two arms up means "Sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star." Throwing her back against the corner cupboard in the kitchen means she's thirsty.
* Is the biggest kissy-face ever! She will kiss anyone (including Mojo) and anything. If you're not in range she will blow a kiss your way. And if you happen to be the bird she is watching out the window, then she will pucker up to the glass. No one is safe from the slobber.
* Has a fiery temper. She can flip from super sweet to really angry in no time at all. She doesn't hold anything back, and sometimes it is really a sight to behold. Hmmmm, I think she might get that from me.....
* Is in the 25 lb range and finally at the point where I can't cart her around on one side of my body all day anymore. For the last 2 1/2 years my left arm has been remarkably toned....I suspect it will catch up with the rest of my softness in short order. ;)
* Is becoming a bit more selective about what goes in her mouth. (FINALLY! That is one tough phase to keep on top of!)
* Has no fear. Climbing. Jumping. She hoists her little body onto the sofa, and then launches herself off the back. She drags chairs around the house so she can reach food on the counter. Or so she can reach the computer and wiggle her fingers around the keyboard.
* Has a thing for buttons and dials and when I am busy in the kitchen Liam is my watchman...."SARAH'S IN THE TV CABINET MOOOOMMMM! SHE'S PUSHING ALL THE BUTTONS!!!!!!"
* Still needs to be in bed by 7pm, or things will get dicey. And if dinner is ready one minute past 5:30....bring your ear plugs. This girl is hungry.
* Sustains minor injuries regularly (see comment re: daredevil nature). Regardless of where she bumps herself, she pats herself on the head. Meanwhile, a nice bruise is forming on her thigh....
* Likes to scoot around the kitchen floor by lying down and sliding herself backwards. She thinks this is nothing short of hilarious. The rest of us are somewhat puzzled - but we clap and cheer her on anyways!
1 comment:
perhaps maybe you can velcro a mop to her back and help you sweep the floor at the same time when she's gliding across the kitchen floor? or is that too cruel?
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