An update on Project Bathtime: Day 2
I enlisted Liam (an enthusiastic bather) to help me spread the good word on bathtime by joining Sarah in the suds and demonstrating the kind of low-key fun we're aiming for. He was keen to oblige. Sarah was calm entering the bathroom and exhibited some interest in the floating toys. She usually starts to get agitated when her clothes are coming off and a dip in the tub looks inevitable, but she was holding it together. The session was starting well!
Then...I took off her diaper. And she peed all over the floor. She has not done this kind of thing in well over a year, so it was completely unexpected and caused a little bit of shrieking on my part. Sarah was amused by my reaction and launched into her happy dance (reminiscent of Riverdance) right in the middle of the puddle. All that splashing tipped her joy-meter off the scale, and she was giggling uncontrollably - which is probably the cutest sound ever. And completely contagious. Defeated, I half-laughed as I hoisted her out of the puddle and into the tub. But Liam was still laughing a little too exuberantly and I turned my back to find him with a big grin on his face and....peeing all over the bathroom floor. Now that is not funny. Laughter turned to a mama roar which scared the you-know-what out of Sarah and Liam, which meant that within mere seconds we went from a happy little tub party to a trio of miserable, pee-soaked screamers. Better luck next time.
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