The format is always the same: craft, free play (this is when Liam hugs all the kids), parachute, music, sticker time. A creature of habit, he walks into the classroom and heads to exactly the same chair every week and gets started on the craft project right away. He is always the last one to finish with the glue and stickers and we usually have to drag him away from the crafts to make room for the next group activity. He is definitely my kid!

Most of the kids don't understand the marching band concept yet, and Liam is no exception. They're on board with the music and noise.....but marching at the same time adds a complicating factor!

At the beginning of the program Liam was content to sit in my lap and help to wave the parachute but the last few weeks he has been the first one to rush under there.

Sarah's usually content to observe all the fun but she has been known to get her hands (and mouth!) on that parachute too!

In other news.....both kids have embarked on an anti-sock campaign today. I keep putting them on - they keep taking them off. I think they're going to win.

But Liam has taken it one step further. While changing Sarah I could hear Liam rustling around in his room...I came in to find him undressing and attempting to replace his t-shirt with a pair of swim trunks on his arms. We compromised: I helped him put the trunks on the bottom and he chose a "coordinating" top:

I wonder what they'll have in store for me after naptime....
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