Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Little Mouse

That's what we call her. Well, Matt calls her Pudgy Mouse, but he means it in the nicest way.
She is growing into the sweetest little girl and changing every day. At 5 months she...

* hates being put in the car seat but usually falls asleep as soon as the engine starts.
* wears mostly 6 - 12 month clothes.
* is SO LOUD in the morning. She is super happy at 6:30am but coos at top volume while I'm tiptoeing around so Liam can sleep!
* rolls from her back to tummy as soon as you put her down.
* needs to be in bed at 7pm....or else.
* would prefer to be carried all day than be anywhere else.
* does not have any of the eczema that Liam was suffering from at this age.
* likes to watch me cook.
* thinks Liam is hilarious and laughs/smiles whenever he pays attention to her.
* can stand up while holding onto furniture.
* is just starting to grow some hair!

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