Thursday, October 30, 2008

Let's hear it for SUPERMAN!

Okay, I know Halloween is still another day away, but I just couldn't keep all this cute to myself. So here's a little preview of the Super Hero disguise Liam will be charming our neighbors with tomorrow night. Mommy's hoping for a good haul of Coffee Crisp. And maybe a Kit Kat or two.

First up: The infamous "Superman" pose. Not sure why he does this on cue or how he learned it, but it is the inspiration for this year's costume. And he rocks it every time.

Ready for his close-up:

Milk. It does a body good. Even if you're a Super Hero out for a walk with Mommy.

Flight Practice:
Break Time:
Off to Save The Day:

Every Super Hero needs a sidekick....stay tuned for more tomorrow!

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