Tuesday was a pretty big day for us...we finally witnessed Liam's first real "word"! Now we've waited a long time for this, so a little background to build the suspense here. The last month or so we have noticed huge leaps in what Liam understands. He can point to his nose, ears, eyes, tummy etc. on command, understands phrases such as "find your shoes and sit on the stair" etc. But talking has been a long time coming. Turns out, we just weren't asking the right questions! If I have his undivided attention (not easy), point to myself and say in a particularly animated way: "Who am I?" his answer is....."Mom!" Actually, it's more like "Mmmmmm-umm" but I'll take it! I am a proud Mmmmmm-umm indeed. Unfortunately I don't have a sound file to share so here are a few random pics from the last week or so to celebrate!

Nothing like a snack to avoid a meltdown at Ikea (this applies to our whole family)...

Too cool for Smalland...

And while we're on a family-friendly dining theme...yes, this next picture was taken at McDonalds. ***GASP*** But you will notice that he is eating apple slices. And there is no photo of what Matt and I inhaled, but I will admit our apples came in a baked pie format. I'm calling it a craving. Matt's on his own. :)
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