It's always an exciting time around here when we find a new "safe food" to add to Liam's repertoire. Anything that doesn't cause itching, hives or a dash to the emergency room qualifies. So we are happy to report Liam's first safe dairy item other than $30/can formula: Soygurt! Mmmmm. Fortunately he's on board but only if he can feed himself.....

Well, it's been a long time coming but Mojo seems to have resigned himself to Liam's presence. In fact, I'd almost say he is enjoying the showering of kisses that Liam bestows on him each day. He could probably do without the crowded-into-a-corner head-lock hugs but hey, it's a start! The only trouble is, as soon as this duo spots me with a camera the love fest is over. So this sneaky shot is my only proof of their new least for now. :)

And finally, my new career as a swimsuit model. Did you read the rest or just scroll down to this part? :) Well, it might not be quite as glamorous as that. In fact I'm sure it had more to do with Liam's adorableness than mine. But we looked outside at the rain and drizzle this morning and thought it would be way more fun to get wet at the swimming pool than by walking a few metres outside our front door. And while we were splashing about, just being our naturally photogenic selves (wink) we were "scouted" by a photographer and an employee of the city and asked to model for some photos to be used in the city's leisure guide or other promotional material. The whole situation seemed a bit ridiculous to me...anyone who knows me at all would never guess that I would
a) agree to be photographed in a swimsuit of any kind, ESPECIALLY an oh-so-flattering (uh, no) maternity suit, and
b) would appear to be comfortable and enjoying myself in the water. With a slippery baby.
But that's how it went down! We hammed it up for the photographer, splashed in the water, played with a watering can (Liam's idea - the camera loves that kid) and then Liam topped it all off by floating around on a little raft. There was fancy lighting and "extras" in some shots to make it look natural. And we were paid in swim passes. (I love that.) What did YOU do this morning? :)