The kids got a geocache tracker* for Christmas, so after spending the better part of yesterday configuring it, we headed out on a search!
* (If you're not familiar with geocaching, it's an activity that uses a GPS tracker to find hidden boxes based on map coordinates. People will leave notes inside, or a little trinket like a pin, etc. Surprisingly, these things are hidden all over the place!)
There are several geocaches within a short walk from our home...but darned if we could find them! The snow may have had a bit to do with that....
Nope, not down there....
We had fun searching, but as the sun started setting it was time to postpone our hunt for another day. Our walk back home took us past Liam's soon-to-be school, and the conversation turned to Kindergarten and where he would be eating lunch. (These are the details that matter to a 4-year old!) Sarah kept shouting out "Fissure! Fissure!" We had no idea what she meant and she was getting awfully frustrated with us. "Scissors?" No. "Lunch box?" No. "Carrots?" No. After Matt and I made many flat-out-wrong guesses and Sarah was nearly in tears, I asked Liam "Do you know what she's trying to say?" Without blinking he said "Treasure." Ahhhhhhh, yes. Treasure. Thanks for jumping in with that, Liam. Sarah's smile returned and she said "Fissure! Us keep lookin'!"
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