Here's the not too official count from the drive up:
Bears: 4
Are We There Yet's: 27
Maybe if I was able to take a quick break from my positions as Entertainment Leader and Snack Distributor, the count may have been more even!

Here is Liam at the lake. He has the "I'm telling you some important facts about sand so would you please put down the camera" expression about him.

If there's one good thing about all the rain we've endured this summer, it's a longer campfire season. Rain deluge = no campfire ban! Maybe the kids will perfect their marshmallow roasting this summer. Looks like Liam's got the hang of it!

As for Sarah....

...maybe not....

Also on this trip, Liam completed his first ever "real" hike on his own two feet! We hiked about 1km up to Goat Lookout. It was fairly steep but he just kept trucking and we were at the lookout in no time!

On the way back Liam found a stick in the shape of an "L" and put the challenge to all of us to find our own name letter. "M" was particularly challenging, but here's what we got!:

And what is a camping trip without some time in the hammock...and "The Very Hungry Caterpillar"?

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