Santa was very good to us this year. The kids were a bit shellshocked with the whole process. Liam's face when he first saw the presents stacked under the tree was priceless, but after that he had a very serious approach to the whole thing. Just like last year, he wanted to play with each item as it was opened. But this year he was way more efficient with the unwrapping! Sarah was a bit confused by the events of the day, but did her part to unwrap each gift one fingernail-sized piece of paper at a time!
The kids are not quite ready to let go. Liam asks for Christmas music every time we get in the car. Sarah pulls a new toy out of the toybox and says "Santa!" regardless of who it came from. We are all looking forward to finding another tree as perfect as this year's (it'll be tough)!
Until then...a few pictures!
Sarah's gift for Liam was a Fireman set, complete with Bullhorn. Hooray!

Sarah likes it too....

Liam spent over an hour at Zellers agonizing over his gift for Sarah. He settled on this doll that makes kissy sounds when you squeeze her. Kind of like Sarah. :)

Both kids found a baby bear in their stockings. They squeak and snore and are generally adorable when the kids cuddle up with them and try to spoon feed them snacks. Or a "nack" as Sarah would say!

Stinky the Garbage Truck makes his (loud) debut...

That's a big box!

Sarah trying to sit on one of the itty bitty chairs from her new doll house...

Sarah discovers the dollhouse "potty." We all hope she doesn't try to sit on that one, too!

Liam's big request from Santa was a fishing rod. Lo and it is! (Note: it is now in the garage awaiting repair. Not sure which kid it was, but someone managed to break it in 2 places within 10 minutes.)

A kitty keyboard! Santa was sure on a noisy-toy streak this year!

A very small sampling of the candy ingested over a 24 hour period....

Sarah rocks yet another party dress...

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