Thursday, October 21, 2010

Rubber Boots Have Limits

These are "old" pictures (from last week), but since I'm on a roll here on the old blog....why not?!
Now that summer is over our stomping grounds at the lake are pretty deserted - even on a gorgeous fall day. I took Mojo and the kids for a romp around the dog park on a Wednesday morning....and we were the only ones there! Mojo is a grumpy old man when it comes to his canine companions, so this suited him just fine. And the kids were more than willing to throw sticks in the lake. I'm thinking it was a bit cold. He looks like he's saying "You want it back? YOU go get it!"

Liam looks more amused...

The kids would have just kept walking if I hadn't intervened here....

See where the bridge drops off at the end? See Sarah's little legs in mid-run? She kept going! I have never seen tiny legs move so fast, but she didn't faceplant! Matt is probably thinking "Yeah, her MC Hammer pants caught the wind and softened her landing!"

Here she is "hiding" directly in front of that tree. All of these are classic Sarah expressions. I'm not sure which one I like the I'll include them all!
The wide-open mouth. We're not sure why she does this, but....she does it a lot!

The sideways giggle-smile. This is when she's really laughing it up!

This one is the "I'm looking for trouble".... She pretty much always looks like that!

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