Of course, that doesn't do much to resolve Liam's conflict when the first NHL hockey game he attended was Canucks vs. Flames! Matt and Liam enjoyed a "Boys' Night Out" tonight at a preseason (read: cheap) game. Liam was so excited. All day long he kept reminding Sarah that she wasn't allowed to come. "Men only."
Here are those "men" in their Team Canada Red (a happy coincidence for Matt the Flames fan) as they were heading out!

Of all the people wearing this get-up, Liam probably looked the least ridiculous:

Their seats were way up next to the rafters, but they got there early enough to see the teams' warm-up skate from up close. Waiting for something to happen....

During one of our impromptu living room face-offs I told Liam that hockey players stretch before they play hockey....kind of like doing yoga. Liam relayed this to Matt, who declared blasphemy. But Liam insisted - because if Mommy says so, then it must be true. (That's one thing I love about this age!) So he enlisted me to find proof on the internet (he is a product of the YouTube age!) and we found just that. Matt very grudgingly conceded, but I bet Liam was feeling pretty smug as he watched this scene unfold....

I think I need to photoshop a picture of Luongo onto Liam's other shoulder....Good and Evil trying to win him over!

And wouldn't you know, Steve Staios (of the Flames) won Liam's affections by tossing him a puck. Chalk one up for the guys in red! Liam and the puck are now inseparable. He's going to be Too-Cool-For-Preschool with that little treasure!

Contemplating life. And a bench made of hockey sticks...

When he got home at 10:15pm (very late for this little guy!) he practically skipped into the house with bright eyes and a huge smile, so excited to show me his puck. I made an appropriate fuss, of course, and then he told me "I didn't want to leave, I was havin' so much fun!" Considering he is Mr. No and never admits to having fun, this was a pretty big deal!
As I got him ready for bed he told me all about the highlights:
Liam: "I saw a penalty!"
Me: "Really? What was it for?"
Liam: "I don't know....hittin' with a stick or somethin'"
Liam: "I saw the hockey players do YOGA!"
Me: "That is a pretty cool puck, Liam. You are a very lucky boy!"
Liam: "Yeah. If you want a puck too you can get one for your birthday. But you'll have to go to a hockey game and get it yourself." :)
And then I tucked that tired, extremely happy little boy into bed. With the puck.
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