Three years. Wow.
This was Liam's most fun birthday yet, because it was the first time he has understood what birthdays are about...at least from a party/singing/cake/presents perspective! He had been looking forward to it for months and in the week leading up to the big day would ask first thing every morning "is it time for my birthday?" It was so fun to finally say "YES!"
This weekend we had a picnic to celebrate with family, and Liam was spoiled rotten....including his teeth! (Right now he is really into identifying which foods are healthy and which are not. He's very accurate, but did announce that on his birthday candy is healthy. That's my boy.) There are about a thousand photos from the picnic, but here are just a few!
That's ketchup chip residue around his mouth. Liam's favorite....

Just two of at least a dozen goofy faces made at the cake (which for the record was gluten/dairy free and delicious!)...


4 Cox's in a tree...because Liam is three!

Today was his "real birthday" and it was pretty low-key. I started off the day with good intentions to take lots of pictures, but ended up with just a couple. Here is the morning bowl of granola....

I didn't get much further than that. :)
Sarah has been having some (ahem) "digestive issues" since her no-holds-barred approach to the gummy bears at the party, so Liam helped me take care of her. (He's pretty nurturing when he wants to be!) During her morning nap we played with his birthday presents in our pyjamas. Trains, moon sand....picking things up with a robot claw. We left the breakfast dishes in the sink and just "played toys". He was very happy. I had promised him last week that on his "real birthday" we would go to the water park since he's been busting to get there since December. Of course, the rain wouldn't let up so crossed our fingers on Sarah's issues (and double-diapered) then we headed to the pool. He wore a life jacket for a little while and floated on his back (ears in!) without me holding on for the first time. Then we recruited Matt and headed to McDonald's (Liam's choice!) to have fries and apple slices dipped in honey for dinner. Poor Sarah was restricted to rice and water and was not too happy about it. A little nature walk after dinner and he announced from his car seat "now I'm getting tuckered out!" I think it was a good day.
Here is a little scene I found on the kitchen table today, courtesy of our now-3-year-old....

I think it's going to be a fun year. :)
1 comment:
It's been a year already since Liam was stomping around making dinosaur sounds? Time sure flies! Happy belated birthday Liam!
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