Friday, May 21, 2010

The Honeymoon's Over!

On this day, five years ago...we took some really bad wedding photos! Not just sorta bad....REALLY bad! So exceptionally awful, they still make me cringe. But even if the photos suggest otherwise, it was the start of something wonderful.

The traditional 5th anniversary gift is wood, so we will be spending the weekend in search of the perfect "big boy bed" for a certain almost-3-year-old who would be happy to remain in a crib until....forever. Tonight's menu: spaghetti. Entertainment: a loaded PVR. Probably some ice cream. And the best friend I could ever hope to share it with. Pinch me. :)
Happy Anniversary, Babe!

1 comment:

Nitschke Family Fun said...

You brought some tears to my eyes. Congrats you two! Has it been 5 years since the cupcake fiasco? Great time, great memories for a great couple.