Sunday, January 31, 2010

"Hip Hip Hooray! The Super Readers Saved The Da-a-a-y!"

We make a point of keeping the TV off during the day, but I do make an exception most mornings for Liam's favorite cartoon: SuperWhy! Because he doesn't watch much TV it's a big deal when we turn it on for this show, so he likes a few things to be in order....

1) He needs his hockey housecoat.
2) The blue "GG blanket" must cover his feet. ("GG" as in, "made by his Great Grandma")
3) Pillow must be positioned just so.
4) SuperWhy toy must 'sleep' under GG blanket.

SuperWhy Mom Review: Surprisingly educational and (perhaps even more surprisingly) not annoying! Maybe The Doodlebops phase wore me down....

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