Our little mouse made her debut one whole year ago. On one hand it feels like just yesterday that I held her for the first time and kissed her little heart-shaped nose. On the other hand I can't believe how many memories we have made that include her. Could it really be just one year? So I suppose one year is just about right and the fact that we can't imagine what life was like without her is just about right too. She is one. And she is one of us. Always has been.
Other than
that big milestone, here a few other highlights that she's been working on recently!:
* Walking. She's still in that jerky arms-above-the-head toddle phase (so cute), but she is finally figuring out that walking is a more efficient mode of travel than anything else she's tried so far. She has been dabbling in walking for nearly a month, but just this week she has been startling me by "appearing" around corners on her own two feet. I think she likes to surprise me. :)
* Talking? No, not quite. But she has a pretty good repertoire of sounds and she is able to use them to communicate VERY well. If Sarah is displeased, don't think you won't know it! Even so, I think her words are not too far off. I'm interested to hear what she has to say, but I also have to admit that I'm hoping her and Liam will share a few of their conversations with each other. My enthusiasm for the "garbage" topic is waning. Liam can't get enough of it, so I'm hoping Sarah will let him teach her everything he knows about Heil Side Loaders in the Naples, Florida area. Apparently someone over there is equally enthusiastic about such machines and is equipped with a camcorder and a little youtube savvy. I envision Liam doing something similar in his golden years.
* Dancing. This girl has music in her soul. Particularly "Oh Susanna."
* Making bathtime extremely difficult. To say she hates the bath would be a gross understatement. She has the strength of four (very slippery) men once she spots that shampoo bottle coming her way, and she can arch her little body backwards at such an angle that I wonder if she may have a future with cirque du soleil. Needless to say, she is not the most squeaky clean baby on the block. If you tell me she has mashed peas behind her ears, I will likely reply "is that all?"
* Becoming a real little girl. Something magical happens around that first birthday...that demanding (but lovable!) blob turns into a real little kid with a personality, interests and a sense of humor. Peek-e-boo is currently high on Sarah's list of activities but she is also thrilled to give Liam rides on the bus, pushing him from one end of the house to the other (and back!), or playing with the magnetic fridge farm, pressing each button and dancing for as long as the music lasts. Or taking apart legos....or snuggling her bunny at bedtime....smiling and waving to me as I say goodnight and close the door....
So here she is....one year old. We had a little party with family to celebrate. Sarah was showered with love and thoughtful gifts. She loved it all....especially the wrapping paper. :) And of course, the cake......

That's my girl! Happy Birthday, Sweet Sarah!