I'll admit it was a little embarrassing to roll my rocket ship grocery cart around the aisles like this.....I was definitely getting some "what is she doing to that baby?" looks. What? Am I the first person determined to check off all items on the list, even if my co-pilot(s) have other intentions? Anyways, we definitely made our presence known at the store, and I was about to snap at the next person who said "oh, poor baby, I think she's tired...." (duh), when a lady stopped me to say she had heard Sarah crying from a few rows over. I was about to answer with something snarky when she started tearing up. Turns out this lady's daughter is pregnant and was due with her first baby - a girl - this past Monday and is living far away. She knows her granddaughter may be born at any time and when she heard Sarah crying she just had "a feeling" that somewhere far away.....So there we were: two random, grocery shopping strangers getting all misty-eyed over screaming babies in the cracker aisle. Seems kind of appropriate!
But Sarah and I are not the only ones shedding a few tears these days.
I have personally verified all the rumors I heard about the Terrible Twos. I was naiive enough to think that Liam's relatively gentle disposition would have us sailing through this tantrum business. I have never been so wrong.....
This morning we had to diffuse a particularly difficult tantrum revolving around cinnamon toast. Little did Liam know, I made the mistake of throwing what was left of said cinnamon toast (not much) in the garbage during this extended scream-fest. We were already late for playschool and I thought it was best to get a change of scenery. I finally had one shoe on his foot and thought the issue was resolved when he asked for the "little pieces" of toast. Uh oh.....I had to fess up which caused him to immediately fling himself backwards onto the ground kicking and screaming, which knocked over Mojo who in turn toppled Sarah. The moment of silence was broken and I had a screaming toddler, whimpering dog and crying, hurt baby all in less than a second. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and so I ended up doing a bit of both.....
Yeah. So how is your day going?
Oh my! First, I think that is amazing you took a picture of that! Second, I'm thankful I have a bit of time before the twos hit.
I love your blog. I hear you on the looks you get when your baby is crying at the store as though people expect you to just leave everything and take your baby out of the store or the looks of "you're a bad mother" because your baby is crying.
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