No, not that one (although there are some obvious similarities)...THIS ONE!:

We haven't named her just yet, but we took her out for an inaugural paddle around the lake today. To my great relief Liam seemed to understand the "don't rock the boat" concept and Sarah....well, she was angry at the world. What really had her going was:
1) her life jacket
2) the sun in her eyes
3) it was naptime
She stopped her screaming and squirming long enough to catch her breath on my knee. And then she was at it again.

By the time we got back to shore she had come to terms with 1 and 2 and enjoyed a long 3 snuggled up with the diaper bag.

Lesson learned.
Meanwhile, back on the boat....

This little guy had a great day playing with paddles, splashing in the water and shouting "Ca-noooooooooe!" A true voyageur.
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