Hard to believe our little girl is 7 months old already. She's changing so fast I keep reminding myself to "freeze" the moment in my mind before she's not a baby anymore! So in light of that, here are some other highlights at 7 months....
* she started crawling 5 days shy of the 7 month mark. I thought I was busy before.....
* she tugs at my hair every chance she gets, but when she's really tired she will pull big fistfuls of her own, right on top. It looks painful but seems to have a calming effect!
* she is way more entertained by toys than Liam was at this stage - he's always been more taken with the packaging! She is currently very intrigued with all things farm-related.
* she is not a pushover. If she's playing with something and Liam swoops in and takes it away (happens an average of 47 times per afternoon) she will protest. Loudly.
* Liam does not think Sarah should have toys. When she heads for one of Liam's more precious posessions (ie. hockey stick or Puppy) we ask him to provide an alternative toy for Sarah. And he usually comes back with a plastic spoon. How's that for a peace offering?
* she still has just one tooth on the bottom, none on top.
* she is still not convinced that a solid food diet is the right choice for her. To date she has sampled (and rejected): rice cereal, bananas, pears, watermelon, potato, peas.
* she is about 18lbs and quickly catching up to Liam....we only have to buy one size of diapers!
* we call her "Baby Sarah" and have started to wonder if the name will stick. Kind of like "Baby Lisa" of Dog: Bounty Hunter fame. No, we don't get out much.
* Liam calls her "Baby Sarah" now too. I only mention this because for the last couple months he was sure her name was Jackie.
* her feet are still repelling socks at an alarming rate. Looks like we lost another one....

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