The market was a gong show. There was barely enough room to wheel a stroller around, never mind one that has Liam in it! He discovered that putting his shoe overtop of the wheel creates a jamming effect. Super fun for a toddler. Not super fun for the push-ee trying to manoeuver a double stroller through the lunch rush! When those antics got him "The Look" (okay, 3x "The Look") he moved onto removing his socks and shoes and randomly depositing them all over the market. By the time someone alerted me to his barefoot status we were only able to recover 2 shoes and 1 sock, bringing my running total of missing baby socks to about 37.
But I still had hope. Outside of the market there were ducks and a lake and a boat to climb on. A Kids Only area filled with toy train tracks and ride 'em dogs and dinosaurs.

But the real winner of the day was the mechanical ball "art" right outside the cement plant. Go figure. We spent at least an hour watching the balls go up and down, and round and round.

Applause for this engineering marvel:

Getting a better look:

And if we weren't watching the balls then we were inspired to....
1.) Walk like a dinosaur (roaring included!)

2) Breakdance:

3) Do a little ballet:

Someone was obviously impressed with the cement trucks...they were THIS BIG:

Sarah was more entertained by Liam than anything else!

So with the exception of one sock casualty (illustrated here), we escaped the island relatively unscathed. Success!

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