Liam's naps are one of those non-negotiable routines, so when we spend the day at Grandma and Grandpa's house we try to keep him on a similar schedule to what he's used to at home. This is the playpen that Liam sleeps in (with relatively little fuss) on such days:
Correction. This WAS the playpen that Liam slept in (with relatively little fuss) on such days.
A couple of weeks ago we were visiting and went through the motions of getting Liam down for a nap. He had his little sleeping bag on. Puppy was tucked under his arm. A monitor was set up in the corner so we could keep tabs from downstairs. Not surprisingly he cried for a minute or two when I left the room, and then all was silent. Hoooray for naptime!
A short while later (10 minutes maybe?) a very loud cry rang out over the monitor. Surely he couldn't be ready to get up already? The cry was shortlived and therefore ignored. Some more time passes....about 20 minutes.....and some more crying. Time to investigate. As I started up the stairs I heard something unusual. Was that....knocking? Taking the stairs two at a time now and a quick dash down the hall as the knocking got louder. I flung the office door open and who was standing behind it in his little sleeping bag with a knife-like letter opener in one hand and an open green Sharpie marker in the other? That would be Liam.
Fortunately a bit of green ink on his hands and a small bump on the forehead was the only trace of Liam's adventure to be found on his body....but the assessment of the office didn't fare so well.
Here are some important documents with Liam's artistic rendition of "hockey balls" drawn all over them...

And here is Grandma and Grandpa's very nice LCD monitor covered in similar drawings...

Here are the Google search results for "pencil on monitor"....

Fortunately he did change mediums from permanent Sharpie to pencil when he climbed up on the desk to decorate the monitor. Fyi - pencil DOES come off with a little lcd cleaner and a microfibre cloth. (phew!)
And here is our little Escape Artist at work....
Naptime at Grandma and Grandpa's house now takes place in a travel playpen...that has a zippered lid!
A couple of weeks ago we were visiting and went through the motions of getting Liam down for a nap. He had his little sleeping bag on. Puppy was tucked under his arm. A monitor was set up in the corner so we could keep tabs from downstairs. Not surprisingly he cried for a minute or two when I left the room, and then all was silent. Hoooray for naptime!
A short while later (10 minutes maybe?) a very loud cry rang out over the monitor. Surely he couldn't be ready to get up already? The cry was shortlived and therefore ignored. Some more time passes....about 20 minutes.....and some more crying. Time to investigate. As I started up the stairs I heard something unusual. Was that....knocking? Taking the stairs two at a time now and a quick dash down the hall as the knocking got louder. I flung the office door open and who was standing behind it in his little sleeping bag with a knife-like letter opener in one hand and an open green Sharpie marker in the other? That would be Liam.
Fortunately a bit of green ink on his hands and a small bump on the forehead was the only trace of Liam's adventure to be found on his body....but the assessment of the office didn't fare so well.
Here are some important documents with Liam's artistic rendition of "hockey balls" drawn all over them...
And here is Grandma and Grandpa's very nice LCD monitor covered in similar drawings...
Here are the Google search results for "pencil on monitor"....
Fortunately he did change mediums from permanent Sharpie to pencil when he climbed up on the desk to decorate the monitor. Fyi - pencil DOES come off with a little lcd cleaner and a microfibre cloth. (phew!)
And here is our little Escape Artist at work....
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