Friday, March 6, 2009

Conversations with Liam

A typical conversation with Liam goes something like this one I shared with him this morning:

Me: "It's a nice day today, isn't it Liam?"
Liam: "Yeah!" (Always sounds like "nnnn-yee-ahhhh!" He is quite enthusiastic.)
Me: "It's very cold though."
Liam: "Yeah!"
Me: "Can you say 'cold'?"
Liam: Silent, but clasps his hands as though warming them.
Me: "Cold. Do you see the robin?"
Liam: "Yeah!"
Me: "A robin is a bird. Can you say 'bird'?"
Liam: "Burrr"
Me: "That's right! Bird. The bird is looking for some worms to eat. It must be the birds' lunchtime."
Liam: Pause........."Yeah!"
Me: "Do you like to eat worms, Liam?"
Liam: "Yeah!"

Not sure what that says about my cooking. But
it's probably not good.

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