Monday, March 30, 2009

Floating Bridge: Then and Now

"Then" is last July...
And "now" was yesterday at the same floating bridge. Where did those deliciously squishy arms and chubby cheeks go?!

Friday, March 27, 2009

"Hmmm....I see why people like these things......"

That's what I said as I took my first ever bite of peanut butter cup in an allergist's office this morning. And yes, I survived to blog about it. It's official: I AM NO LONGER ALLERGIC TO PEANUTS! I grew out of it. Guess that means I'm a big girl now. The verdict isn't in on tree nuts yet, but early results look like almonds, hazelnuts and walnuts are okay too. Cashews are big time trouble. And I shouldn't go around licking any cats either. As the doctor put it..."no good can come of that." Agreed.
So Merran - I know you're reading this - get ready for our taste test date! I've been thinking about this for many years. Here's what I've got to try:

Peanut Buster Parfait
Ferrero Rocher
Rocky Road ice cream

If there are any other must-try suggestions let me know!
That was pretty exciting news for me this morning, but there's other good stuff happening around here too.
For example.....this little cutie found her inner giggle a couple days ago!

It kind of sounds like she's choking on a popcorn husk, but she's working on it. The only thing that makes her chuckle so far is watching Matt toss Liam up in the air. She may have some thrill-seeking tendencies.
Here is her "no, seriously" face.

And one more....

Don't you wish you could relax that much?
Liam is doing well too, with the exception of a traumatic event at our rec center's child care facility this week. The event? I left. He was so hysterical about that that they had to come and get me half-way through my Baby Belly Blast workout class. Truth be told, I was kind of glad. Not because he missed me....but because I was HURTING. Anyways, he was super clingy as soon as I returned but once the nice lady pulled out a sheet of stickers I was Inivisi-Mom. Apparently my son's affections can be bought with a little adhesive, which means I'll probably have to sweat it out for the whole class next week. Ouch.
There will be no pictures of Liam here today because he is in desparate need of a hair cut, and there is probably ketchup in it anyway. We'll get to both of those issues at some point this weekend and picture posting will resume shortly!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

One Scoop At A Time...

That's how Liam was putting all the sand back in the lake. He made some decent progress. Now, if only he'd be so diligent about putting his toys back in the toy box....

Surveying his progress....

I love watching Liam jog to keep pace with Matt's slowest walk. So cute.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Leapin' Leprechauns!

This little lassie is celebrating St. Paddy's Day by turning two months old!

It may be customary to wear green today, however, there's considerably more pink than green in Sarah's wardrobe. Go figure! So she is donning a blue velour track suit instead. Close enough. If you ask me, you can't go wrong with blue velour any day of the year. :)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Baby Love

I know. Awwwwww.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

L-l-l-l-Liam and S-s-s-s-Sarah G-g-go For a W-w-walk

Brrrr. It's cold. How cold? Too cold for these little blooms, I'm sure!

As for the other little blooms, they did just fine in their Chariot with the cover pulled to create a very toasty greenhouse effect. Sarah dozed in the sunshine while Liam held her mitten (of course) and caught up on some phone calls.

This is how chilly it is at our mailbox. Come to think of it, the box has been empty the past 2 days....coincidence?

Monday, March 9, 2009

Toddler For Hire - Will Work For Mini Marshmallows

Liam's not too worried about the economic meltdown. His resume is varied and his skill set is always in demand.

He washes dishes.....

He volunteers with Search & Rescue (ie. retrieving balls from under furniture. Or, in this case, the dried split peas he was playing with).....

He can even sweep floors!

With the amount of dirty dishes, lost hockey balls and messy floors we generate around here, Liam's job security will never be in question!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Rub-a-dub-dub, Sarah's in the....sink?

Looks like Sarah's sink-bath days are numbered!

I wish I could post a scratch-and-sniff picture here....that squeaky clean baby smell is so delicious!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Conversations with Liam

A typical conversation with Liam goes something like this one I shared with him this morning:

Me: "It's a nice day today, isn't it Liam?"
Liam: "Yeah!" (Always sounds like "nnnn-yee-ahhhh!" He is quite enthusiastic.)
Me: "It's very cold though."
Liam: "Yeah!"
Me: "Can you say 'cold'?"
Liam: Silent, but clasps his hands as though warming them.
Me: "Cold. Do you see the robin?"
Liam: "Yeah!"
Me: "A robin is a bird. Can you say 'bird'?"
Liam: "Burrr"
Me: "That's right! Bird. The bird is looking for some worms to eat. It must be the birds' lunchtime."
Liam: Pause........."Yeah!"
Me: "Do you like to eat worms, Liam?"
Liam: "Yeah!"

Not sure what that says about my cooking. But
it's probably not good.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

World's Cutest Muffin Top

That title goes to Sarah in her first pair of jeans!

Monday, March 2, 2009

For Sale

Our house, that is. Are we crazy? More than likely. But the opportunity for a real backyard (and a teensy bit more space for all the stuff our teensy people brought with them) is hard to resist. The whole plan will likely be determined by how fast our place sells in relation to how quickly I lose my mind trying to make it look as if as family of 4 can comfortably live in this space. I should be making this face soon. Any bets?