Become familiar with the set-up AND collapsing procedures of your stroller BEFORE you find yourself in a parking lot with two overtired and cranky kids, ready to haul the entire $400+ system into traffic in order to get the assistance of a vehicle in collapsing that behemoth into the neat little package you purchased 3 months ago from the sales person who folded the whole thing down with one finger.
If you do not heed this advice, some or all of the following scenarios are likely to occur:
a) You will injure yourself attempting to load the upright stroller into the back of your vehicle while passers-by (who obviously do not have children) give you inquisitive looks. But don't bother. It won't fit anyway.
b) Satisfying as it may seem at the time, if you choose the collapsed-by-oncoming-vehicle method you will soon be forced to put another $400+ directly into the pocket of whatever sadistic engineer designed that contraption in the first place.
c) You will be teaching your children a few expressions that you would be shocked to hear them repeat.
d) You will be forced to interrupt your spouse at work with a desparate "How the #@*! does this thing fold down?!" phone call.
It's the New Parent Walk of Shame. Don't let this be you.
The Offender:

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