Friday, February 27, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Stir Crazy
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
The Next Time You See These Photos...
...will likely be on a Hockey Night in Canada segment profiling the #1 Draft Pick for the year 2025. I fully intend to be the mom that follows my kids around with a scrapbook full of baby pictures. That way I'll be prepared when the producers ask me to wax nostalgic about Liam's first goal in the Tiny Tots League. I may even share a little anecdote about the hilarious zamboni incident of 2014. Can't you see it now? Okay, you're right. But I'll hook them up with baby pictures.
This was the first time Liam and Matt watched hockey together, way back in 2007. (Notice the cartoon dog playing hockey on his shirt? I don't even think that was intentional!) Now we ask him "Do you want to watch hockey?" and he runs to the TV, hands us the remote, and starts clapping. He hasn't pledged allegiance to any one team yet, so he claps when they all score. Or when the lotto commercial with the kitten jumping in slow motion comes on.
Fast forward to Christmas 2008 when his Aunt Bridget sent him this pint-sized Calgary Flames hockey set. All other toys were cast aside for a game of shinny....
...which has evolved into a pre-breakfast practice each morning. Mojo has been recruited to play defence.

He even wears a helmet just like the pros (okay, it's a beach bucket) to catch up on the latest stats in the sports section.

So maybe he hasn't laced up a pair of skates yet, but I'm sure the kid is destined for greatness!
This was the first time Liam and Matt watched hockey together, way back in 2007. (Notice the cartoon dog playing hockey on his shirt? I don't even think that was intentional!) Now we ask him "Do you want to watch hockey?" and he runs to the TV, hands us the remote, and starts clapping. He hasn't pledged allegiance to any one team yet, so he claps when they all score. Or when the lotto commercial with the kitten jumping in slow motion comes on.

He even wears a helmet just like the pros (okay, it's a beach bucket) to catch up on the latest stats in the sports section.

So maybe he hasn't laced up a pair of skates yet, but I'm sure the kid is destined for greatness!
Monday, February 23, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009
What About Bob?
What you see below is the current, unabridged Dictionary of Liam.
Mom = Mom
Dad = Dad
Gog = Dog
Nan = Banana
Ye-ie = Hi
As you may have guessed, speech is not Liam's preferred method of communication. Hand signals and grunts are more his thing - and surprisingly effective. But within the last week or so Liam has learned a new word that has us stumped. Bob. We don't know a Bob. And we're pretty confident that if we don't know a Bob then Liam doesn't either. So we have donned our Context Clue Caps, and so far our efforts at translation have offered the following possibilities:
Bob = Grandma
Bob = Up
Bob = Hockey Puck
Bob = I would like a sticker, please.
Bob = Bye
It's not his fault, though. Obviously the linguistic nuances are subtle.
Mom = Mom
Dad = Dad
Gog = Dog
Nan = Banana
Ye-ie = Hi
As you may have guessed, speech is not Liam's preferred method of communication. Hand signals and grunts are more his thing - and surprisingly effective. But within the last week or so Liam has learned a new word that has us stumped. Bob. We don't know a Bob. And we're pretty confident that if we don't know a Bob then Liam doesn't either. So we have donned our Context Clue Caps, and so far our efforts at translation have offered the following possibilities:
Bob = Grandma
Bob = Up
Bob = Hockey Puck
Bob = I would like a sticker, please.
Bob = Bye
It's not his fault, though. Obviously the linguistic nuances are subtle.

Friday, February 20, 2009
A Word of Advice for Prospective Parents
As someone who has spent the better part of the last 2 years in a family way, I am aware that there is a lot of unsolicited advice being dealt to new and soon-to-be parents. Sure, it all comes from a good place. But by the time she brings new life into the world for the second time, a woman is sure to have been told to "sleep when the baby sleeps" 4,812 times. She will agree that this is a good idea. In theory. Meanwhile, she hasn't actually slept in a week and can't remember the last time she showered but if the laundry doesn't get done those kids are going to be naked. And possibly her husband, too. But THIS little gem is not only important, but useful and (unlike the sleeping mantra) actually possible. Here it is:
Become familiar with the set-up AND collapsing procedures of your stroller BEFORE you find yourself in a parking lot with two overtired and cranky kids, ready to haul the entire $400+ system into traffic in order to get the assistance of a vehicle in collapsing that behemoth into the neat little package you purchased 3 months ago from the sales person who folded the whole thing down with one finger.
If you do not heed this advice, some or all of the following scenarios are likely to occur:
a) You will injure yourself attempting to load the upright stroller into the back of your vehicle while passers-by (who obviously do not have children) give you inquisitive looks. But don't bother. It won't fit anyway.
b) Satisfying as it may seem at the time, if you choose the collapsed-by-oncoming-vehicle method you will soon be forced to put another $400+ directly into the pocket of whatever sadistic engineer designed that contraption in the first place.
c) You will be teaching your children a few expressions that you would be shocked to hear them repeat.
d) You will be forced to interrupt your spouse at work with a desparate "How the #@*! does this thing fold down?!" phone call.
It's the New Parent Walk of Shame. Don't let this be you.
The Offender:
Become familiar with the set-up AND collapsing procedures of your stroller BEFORE you find yourself in a parking lot with two overtired and cranky kids, ready to haul the entire $400+ system into traffic in order to get the assistance of a vehicle in collapsing that behemoth into the neat little package you purchased 3 months ago from the sales person who folded the whole thing down with one finger.
If you do not heed this advice, some or all of the following scenarios are likely to occur:
a) You will injure yourself attempting to load the upright stroller into the back of your vehicle while passers-by (who obviously do not have children) give you inquisitive looks. But don't bother. It won't fit anyway.
b) Satisfying as it may seem at the time, if you choose the collapsed-by-oncoming-vehicle method you will soon be forced to put another $400+ directly into the pocket of whatever sadistic engineer designed that contraption in the first place.
c) You will be teaching your children a few expressions that you would be shocked to hear them repeat.
d) You will be forced to interrupt your spouse at work with a desparate "How the #@*! does this thing fold down?!" phone call.
It's the New Parent Walk of Shame. Don't let this be you.
The Offender:

Thursday, February 19, 2009
The Dad Fan Club
You can't explain business to a 1 1/2 year old, and you really can't explain a 4 day business trip that separates him from Fun Daddy. In fact, as far as Liam is concerned, Matt's work day consists of washing his hair. When Liam starts asking for Matt (sounds like this: "DAD! DAD! DAD!") and I reply with "Dad's at work" he will start rubbing his head as if working up a nice lather. Not sure how he got the impression that Matt spends 10 hours a day perfecting his coiffure. But I digress.
If Liam could count he would most definitely be checking off the minutes until Matt gets home and starts tossing him around in the air today. And I am looking forward to a night that does not include a little boy waking up terrified and confused at 1am, whimpering "Daaaad, Daaaad" as I try to calm him down.
Clearly the admiration is mutual because last night Matt asked me to update the blog with pictures before 6am this morning so he would be sure to see them. Riiiiiiiight. It's not exactly 6am, but here is a picture of your favorite time of day, Matt: walking into Liam's room first thing in the morning. Hopefully you are in wireless range. We miss you and can't wait to see you tonight.....your hair better be lookin' good. Safe travels!

If Liam could count he would most definitely be checking off the minutes until Matt gets home and starts tossing him around in the air today. And I am looking forward to a night that does not include a little boy waking up terrified and confused at 1am, whimpering "Daaaad, Daaaad" as I try to calm him down.
Clearly the admiration is mutual because last night Matt asked me to update the blog with pictures before 6am this morning so he would be sure to see them. Riiiiiiiight. It's not exactly 6am, but here is a picture of your favorite time of day, Matt: walking into Liam's room first thing in the morning. Hopefully you are in wireless range. We miss you and can't wait to see you tonight.....your hair better be lookin' good. Safe travels!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
Catching Up!
These kids are keeping us b-u-s-y...here's a little peek at what they've been up to the past week.
Stickers....what all the cool kids are wearing these days:

Straws....as in, learning to drink from one!

Trying to kiss the ducks and dealing with Liam's hurt feelings when they refused his advances. :)

And of course, some more snoozing....
Stickers....what all the cool kids are wearing these days:

Straws....as in, learning to drink from one!

Trying to kiss the ducks and dealing with Liam's hurt feelings when they refused his advances. :)

And of course, some more snoozing....

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Monday, February 9, 2009
Snooze Button
There's a reason why Sarah is sleeping in nearly every photo you've seen. Don't be misled.
She will happily cuddle all day long and drift into the most peaceful slumber in my arms. She will sleep through the loudest of Liam's toys and tantrums. She will doze in the front carrier while I try to empty the dishwasher with one small person strapped to me and another holding onto my leg. But from the time I put her down I have just enough time to find the camera and snap about 3 frames before she figures out that she's not being held and the scene gets ugly.
I don't post those photos because I think she's a little angel and wouldn't want anyone to get the wrong impression about her. But I'm not going to delete them either, because one day I'll forget that it's frustrating to fold a basket of laundry one-handed and start thinking that I miss that newborn baby smell. So those pictures get filed away as a kind of Public Service Announcement to my future self, and the dreamy, peaceful baby shots find their way here. I particularly like this one for its optical illusion quality...who knew a head could comfortably rest that way?
Meanwhile, this little guy continues to find his inner comedian. When he's not making us laugh with one of his tricks, he's got himself in stitches for some unknown reason. I wish he'd let us in on the joke because it sounds like a good one!

She will happily cuddle all day long and drift into the most peaceful slumber in my arms. She will sleep through the loudest of Liam's toys and tantrums. She will doze in the front carrier while I try to empty the dishwasher with one small person strapped to me and another holding onto my leg. But from the time I put her down I have just enough time to find the camera and snap about 3 frames before she figures out that she's not being held and the scene gets ugly.
I don't post those photos because I think she's a little angel and wouldn't want anyone to get the wrong impression about her. But I'm not going to delete them either, because one day I'll forget that it's frustrating to fold a basket of laundry one-handed and start thinking that I miss that newborn baby smell. So those pictures get filed away as a kind of Public Service Announcement to my future self, and the dreamy, peaceful baby shots find their way here. I particularly like this one for its optical illusion quality...who knew a head could comfortably rest that way?

Friday, February 6, 2009
Carpet Cleaner, Crayons and Coffee.....Not Necessarily In That Order
It's official: we survived Week 1!
To be honest, after Sarah, Liam AND Mojo each had multiple crying spells throughout the night I wasn't sure how (or if!) we were going to cross the finish line. Combine that with both babies waking up CRANKY and in need of changing/feeding/cuddles at precisely the same time this morning....while Mojo was throwing up all over the house....and all bets were off.
But because of a joyful reunion with my coffee pot after 9 long months (welcome home!) things were a little less bleak. We went for a walk. We discovered that odd little Zaboomafoo creature on TV. We hauled out the crayons and other so-called quiet toys. (Turns out Liam can make anything loud.) And by late afternoon I turned a blind eye while he dribbled water from a sippy cup onto the kitchen floor. Lots of it. Let's just say there was splashing. But compared to the rest of the day this was considered silence. Sneaky silence. But silence nonetheless.
Eventually the little hand touched the 8 and the big hand touched the 12. Bedtime. Ahhhhh........
If only they'd do this simultaneously from time to time:

My little Picasso:

If he could, I'm sure he'd be saying "Mom, I'm booooored":

Talking to Dad:
To be honest, after Sarah, Liam AND Mojo each had multiple crying spells throughout the night I wasn't sure how (or if!) we were going to cross the finish line. Combine that with both babies waking up CRANKY and in need of changing/feeding/cuddles at precisely the same time this morning....while Mojo was throwing up all over the house....and all bets were off.
But because of a joyful reunion with my coffee pot after 9 long months (welcome home!) things were a little less bleak. We went for a walk. We discovered that odd little Zaboomafoo creature on TV. We hauled out the crayons and other so-called quiet toys. (Turns out Liam can make anything loud.) And by late afternoon I turned a blind eye while he dribbled water from a sippy cup onto the kitchen floor. Lots of it. Let's just say there was splashing. But compared to the rest of the day this was considered silence. Sneaky silence. But silence nonetheless.
Eventually the little hand touched the 8 and the big hand touched the 12. Bedtime. Ahhhhh........
If only they'd do this simultaneously from time to time:

My little Picasso:

If he could, I'm sure he'd be saying "Mom, I'm booooored":

Talking to Dad:

Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Nakey, Nakey!
Sometimes the only salvageable piece of clothing after a spaghetti dinner is the diaper. And sometimes not even that!

Here Liam is demonstrating a new walk we call "The Bird." Or alternatively, "The Dinosaur." If you'd like to try this at home (and who wouldn't, really?) it is done by dropping into a squat, tucking the arms in close (like wings), hands under the hamstrings. Then do a slow, exaggerated shuffle and throw in some head bobbing. Clothing optional.
Like so many of Liam's "skills" we have no idea how this originated but he does it on command and it sure provides a lot of entertainment! Yes, we probably need to get out more.
Not to be outdone, here is Sarah showing off her latest talent...sucking her thumb!
Now, where do we sign up for the pageant? :)

Here Liam is demonstrating a new walk we call "The Bird." Or alternatively, "The Dinosaur." If you'd like to try this at home (and who wouldn't, really?) it is done by dropping into a squat, tucking the arms in close (like wings), hands under the hamstrings. Then do a slow, exaggerated shuffle and throw in some head bobbing. Clothing optional.
Like so many of Liam's "skills" we have no idea how this originated but he does it on command and it sure provides a lot of entertainment! Yes, we probably need to get out more.
Not to be outdone, here is Sarah showing off her latest talent...sucking her thumb!

Monday, February 2, 2009
A New Normal
Sunday, February 1, 2009
I knew it was love when....
Matt gave up peanut butter for me. Okay, maybe there were a few other signs, but this was a pretty big sacrifice for a bachelor that was living on McCain frozen pizzas, hot dogs and a lot of peanut butter. Now at least half of our household is allergic to all things nutty, and the continental breakfast at the Holiday Inn Express - complete with bagels and peanut butter - has actually become a "perk" of Matt's job. Until today. No longer does he have to travel 1482 miles away from us for a taste of peanut-y goodness because we have found...Soy Butter. All the flavour of peanut butter (apparently), made in a nut-free factory.
This morning I suggested spreading a little bit of the stuff on one of Liam's slivers of toast, just so he could give it a try. But apparently that is not how peanut butter is meant to be enjoyed. It goes more like this:
Step 1: Align finger with jar. Eyeball your mark.

Step 2: Insert finger as far as possible.

Step 3: Remove finger. Observe.

Step 4: Delight in sticky nature of substance. (He's 1, after all.)

Step 5: Enjoy.

Step 6: Go for the double dip.

Good stuff.
At least one of our kids is getting some culinary enjoyment. Over the last couple of days poor Sarah has been more than a little uncomfortable after she eats. We've got a few burping techniques up our sleeves by now, but more often than not she is a burpless baby. Which, by default, makes for a lot of "Lower Wind" and a workout for her lungs as those bubbles make their descent from "Upper" to "Lower." Even still, she is cute as can be, and every day makes more of the transition from Small-Pink-Blob-That-Sleeps-Eats-And-Poops-All-Day to Slightly-Less-Small-Slightly-Less-Pink-Slightly-Less-Blobish-Little-Person-That-Is-Sometimes-Alert-But-Mostly-Sleeps-Eats-Cries-And-Poops-All-Day. And night. And we love her.
Here are some pictures from Tummy Time a couple of days ago.
Hard to know for sure, but we think those blue eyes are going to stay that way!
This morning I suggested spreading a little bit of the stuff on one of Liam's slivers of toast, just so he could give it a try. But apparently that is not how peanut butter is meant to be enjoyed. It goes more like this:
Step 1: Align finger with jar. Eyeball your mark.

Step 2: Insert finger as far as possible.

Step 3: Remove finger. Observe.

Step 4: Delight in sticky nature of substance. (He's 1, after all.)

Step 5: Enjoy.

Step 6: Go for the double dip.

Good stuff.
At least one of our kids is getting some culinary enjoyment. Over the last couple of days poor Sarah has been more than a little uncomfortable after she eats. We've got a few burping techniques up our sleeves by now, but more often than not she is a burpless baby. Which, by default, makes for a lot of "Lower Wind" and a workout for her lungs as those bubbles make their descent from "Upper" to "Lower." Even still, she is cute as can be, and every day makes more of the transition from Small-Pink-Blob-That-Sleeps-Eats-And-Poops-All-Day to Slightly-Less-Small-Slightly-Less-Pink-Slightly-Less-Blobish-Little-Person-That-Is-Sometimes-Alert-But-Mostly-Sleeps-Eats-Cries-And-Poops-All-Day. And night. And we love her.
Here are some pictures from Tummy Time a couple of days ago.

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