Saturday, December 17, 2011

Hitting The Not-So-Sloping Slopes!

We are back from a few days in Whistler, where the kids got to try out their new skis! One day at Ski School turned out to be over $300 a day for two kids, so they were stuck with some second-rate instruction from Mom and Dad.
Liam had surprisingly good balance and managed a few 10 second glides down hills without holding onto us...and he didn't (always) fall! Sarah was a little more like a sack of potatoes on skis, but for a first try she did great! They are both eager to get back to the slopes, so I guess we'll count this a success. Take that, Ski School!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Hanging Out

Yes, I know it's weird. But he was making an elf trap. It all makes sense now, right?

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Jail Time

Liam is really into everything to do with Police: tickets, jails, fingerprinting. His favorite are his Police he built a jail complete with parking garage for the police vehicles - and a helicopter pad to boot!

That's a Superhero Pyjama Cape he's wearing. Great for taking a fly around the living room when you need a break from all the building.


When you're a little kid, nothing tastes better than cheap chocolate first thing in the morning! (Come to think of it, I still kind of like it, too!)

Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Face of an Angel... simply wouldn't believe the wrath this girl is capable of.
But that's for another day....