Mom: Liam, how old are you today?
Liam: Three.
Mom: Ok. How old will you be tomorrow?
Liam: Four.
Mom: What is your favorite colour?
Liam: Purple.
Mom: What is your favorite food?
Liam: Pancakes.
Mom: What is your favorite toy?
Liam: My laptop. (Mom's note: his favorite toy is actually his collection of garbage/recycling trucks. The toy laptop is what he was playing with 2 minutes before our little interview, and therefore got priority billing!)
Mom: What is your favorite thing to do?
Liam: Play basketball. (Mom's note: ?????? News to me.)
Mom: Who is your best friend?
Liam: Colin.
Mom: What school do you go to?
Liam: Friendly Forest
Mom: What is your favorite activity at school?
Liam: Building.
Mom: What do you build?
Liam: With wood and hammers and screws. I hammer the screws into the wood. No. Playing in the sandbox at school. With toys. You know what toys I use? Shovels. And I dig dig dig dig dig dig dig. Right down into the pipes! And I put water in the pipes and I make little sailboats out of paper to put in the pipes and float to the bottom.
Mom: Who was your teacher this year?
Liam: Teacher Lindsay.
Mom: Any others?
Liam: Yeah. Teacher Carol.
Mom: And?
Liam: Ruth.
Mom: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Liam: Uhhhhhh.......Fireman. And a garbage man.
Mom: Why?
Liam: 'Cause I just like those two things.
Mom: What was your favorite present you got this year?
Liam: The lock. (Mom's note: a lock/key that came along with a gift of swimming lessons. He is obsessed with locking everything in the house. Or he was, until he lost the key. I'm sure it will turn up eventually.....)
Mom: If you had a lot of money, what would you do with it?
Liam: Buy stuff with it.
Mom: What kind of stuff?
Liam: Another garbage truck. That's gonna be a lot of garbage trucks!
Mom: What is your favorite book?
Liam: The caterpillar one. (Mom's note: The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Eric Carle)
Mom: What is something you like about Mom?
Liam: Well...I like about Mom.....that she cooks noodles....that she cooks cookies in the oven for us so we don't burn ourselves. And then, you know what my favorite thing to do is? EAT! The cookies.
Mom: What is something you like about Dad:
Liam: [silly snorts and laughter]
Mom: No, really.....
Liam: [more snorts].....He builds things. Like tree houses!
Mom: What is something you like about Sarah:
Liam: Playing with her. Playing catch with the little birdie and racket.
Mom: What is your favorite TV show:
Liam: The skunk.
Mom: You've never seen that one. (Mom's note: we saw a skunk the other day and I told him about the skunk who thinks he's very handsome. He's never seen the show.)
Liam: Yes I have. I have when I was born. What's the skunk's name?
Mom: Pepe Le Pew.
Liam: P...Pep....Peppy...Yeah. That's a hard name to say!
I used a list of questions I found on the internet, and that was where it ended. He really enjoyed the process and watching me jot down his words, although I'm not sure I got the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth in his answers! I wish I had asked him what he liked about himself, but didn't think of it at the time. I'll ask him in the morning over his birthday pancakes! My baby is turning FOUR!