We are back from a little family getaway to Whistler. The term "getaway" may be a stretch when you add 2 small kids to the equation...but aside from a night of endless vomit and my wallet being locked up, we had a really nice time!
Neither of the kids remember the last time we stayed in a hotel but they have seen enough Chinese hotel rooms over Skype that they are familiar with the concept. And they were excited. Or at least Liam was, and since Sarah copies every one of his actions/emotions, we'll just say she was looking forward to it, too!
Working some last-minute deal magic, Matt surprised us with a hotel that definitely ranks in the "Much Classier Than Any Family That Still Packs Sippy Cups and Just-In-Case Bedding" category.
Sarah's favorite part of the hotel stay? Definitely the doors. She obsessively opened and closed every one of them. Light switches were a hit, too.
Liam's favorite part? His "Transformer Bed" (aka the pull-out couch). We all got a little caught up watching Shrek on the TV one night...

That first night was rough. The kids were tired from a napless day of travel, snow, and exploring the Village. They were very ready for bed. We set them up on the sofa and in the crib, gathered all the snacks we thought we might need from the kitchen and retreated to watch a movie in the bedroom. But sleep was not coming easily for the kids. They were in and out of bed, turning on lights, throwing things around, chatting....easily up past 10pm. And when it got to the point that we used the "Ignore Them" strategy, Sarah discovered a new tactic of her own...we'll call it "Bulimic Baby."
For those inexperienced in this advanced manipulation technique, the move requires said baby to stick a fist down the throat until the gagging reflex is activated, at such time the spring-under-the-butt reflex in said baby's parents is also enabled. Baby vomits all over so parents have to clean baby, baby's bed, and replace sheets with the back-up-bedding parents hoped they wouldn't need but learned their lesson last time so threw it in the bag. All while baby plays, chats and makes sweet little faces at you. All. Night. Long.
She wasn't sick. Just twisted.
So going on practically no sleep we decided to keep our plans to go snowshoeing and really tire the kids out so they would have no choice but to collapse at bedtime the next night. (Which they did, by the way.)

Liam didn't even last that long....

Lunch at Lost Lake...

As for the wallet incident....this morning while I was packing up a suitcase Liam turned to us and proudly announced "I did the safe!" The safe with my wallet in it? Yes, that safe...the one that resets the code each time you lock it up! Matt asked him if he remembered which numbers he pushed and Liam said confidently "Yes....these ones" while slowly waving his hand over the entire keypad.
Thank goodness for Maintenance Men with master keys and kind Housekeepers that sneak vomit-laden baby blankets into the hotel laundry. Good people.
Regardless of how it probably sounds, it was a great trip with lots of laughs and playtime in the snow!