Sarah was the baldest little cue ball of a baby. By her first birthday she barely had peach fuzz on her head. By spring she had bangs and not much else! Even now, her natural 'do is bang heavy, but she had finally grown the softest, silkiest ringlets in the back. However, the front was growing at the same rate, and the shaggy dog look was getting to be a problem. (Ie, it was getting in the way of her vision!) But every time I thought of taking her for that milestone first haircut, my mom's voice played in my head (or sometimes out loud!): "Don't cut those curls! Once you do the
baby is gone! Her hair will never be the same!" This is exactly how it played out with Liam, so I knew it was true. But alas, silky baby hair is only cute until the moment you realize your child looks like Cousin It. So today was the day....
Sarah waited a long time for all that hair and endured a lot of gentle teasing regarding her lack of locks, so she wasn't going under the scissors without a fight. And what a fight she gave! We arrived ahead of our appointment so she would feel comfortable around all that hair product....we talked up all the cool chairs (Thomas the Train, airplane, etc.), we brought Liam the expert hair cuttee for moral support, we brought lollipops as a last resort. But what really happened is we wrestled her little body into the Batman chair, Matt and I each restrained one of her wildly flinging arms while I tried to snap a few pictures for posterity with my free hand. The hairdresser contorted herself around Sarah's writhing little frame and managed to get the job done in 4 snips of her scissors.

Check out the bulging veins in her neck! This girl is SERIOUSLY MAD!

Liam stood quietly to the side, holding Sarah's sucker and wondering if this stunt going to put her on Santa's naughty list:

And then it was over. Sarah got out of the chair, retrieved the lollipop she was so disgusted with just moments earlier, accepted her light-up wand "prize" and trotted all around the mall showing off her new 'do.

And then it was my turn to cry. Oh, come on. You knew I would. But look at her! They chopped off all those ringlets before I could say "STOP! Just a little off the back!" But it's done. She looks pretty cute...and at least I now have another card of laminated hair to add to my odd little collection. :)