Well, here we are....fully entrenched in the 21st century.
Not sure if this blog will get off the ground, but thought this might be the most efficient way to streamline the many baby photos and updates and avoid filling up another inbox. Efficiency is our favorite theme around here these days as we start making plans (read: room) for our new little person. So hopefully you'll roll with these changes along with us!
Since you made your way over here....a little baby love to keep you coming back!
This is Liam's "What the Heck Are You Feeding Me, Mom?" reaction to the gluten/egg/milk/butter-free banana bread concoction I made last night. The original recipe is tried and true, so I'm not sure which of the substitutions caused the loaf to do THIS:


I'll be honest....as I was measuring away I was having visions of Liam, all grown up and reminiscing about Mom's special banana bread and how there's no other like it. I'll blame it on the pregnancy hormones, but I definitely had some high expectations for this one little loaf. And it did not deliver. BUT if I re-brand it as Banana Crumble then I have to say it doesn't taste half bad! And if you pack it like a snowball it does keep a bit of shape. :)
So today I offer up a humble Thank You to Trader Joe's and their gluten free Brown Rice Bread. Which retains its shape remarkably well. And which Liam loves. And he does not make this face when it is served to him.